
  • Tsagan Badmaevna SELEEVA, tsagana007@mail.ru Kalmyk Institute for Humanitarian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences.




heroic fairy tale, heroic epos «Dzhangar», archaic motifs, epic reconstruction, epic formation, vestiges, genesis, plot, comparative-typological analysis, epic monument.


The article considers the genesis of the epic «Dzhangar» related to the process of transformation and mutual permeablity of folklore genres. Kalmyk heroic epic «Dzhangar» as polistadial text of popular culture is a syncretic unit including special transformed archaic-mythological tradition. The tradition also sheds light on the problem of the epic text genesis. Heroic epic develops as an immediate continuation of the folk traditions of the archaic society based on interaction of mythological cycles about the ancestors, culture heroes and heroic tales. In the reconstruction of archaic layers of the «Dzhangar» plot the researchers revealed archaic motifs and concepts dating back to ancient rituals and rites of the early nomads. The author concludes that the archaic substrate of the heroic tale is revealed by considering the archaic motifs that dates back to the myth-and-ritual and ceremonial complex as well as reconstruction of the poetic and genre-stylistic peculiarities of epic monuments. Therefore, comparative and typological analysis of heroic tales and national versions of «Dzhangar» epos reveals the fund of universal structural elements of different levels such as narrative, thematic and motivic that gives an idea of the stability and generality of the fairy and Dzhangar epic traditions. The specific and universal features in the Kalmyk heroic tale and «Dzhangar» epos are revealed by reconstructing process of transformation of the heroic tales into heroic epic. Universal features related to the syncretic nature and mutual permeablity of the heroic tale and epos genres. Specific features caused by socio-historical factors of the patriarchal clan and feudal system had an impact on the heroic tale and heroic epos genres` formation.


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