In alliance with the beauty and wisdom of folklore (for the anniversary of T. G. Basangova)






1. Vladimirtsov, B. Ya. Mongol-Oirat heroic epic. Petersburg, Moscow, Svetoch Publ., 1923, 253 p. (In Rus.)

2. Kalmyk tercets. Compilation, introductory article by T. G. Basangova, translation into Russian by N. I. Grebnev. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1987, 200 p. (In Kalmyk and Rus.)

3. Tales of Grandmother Saglar: Children's Folklore. prepared for printing T. G. Bordzhanova. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ, 1989, 44 p. (In Kalmyk)

4. Kalmyk folklore. Bibliographic index. Compilation and preface by T. G. Bordzhanova. Elista, A. M. Amur-Sanana Republican universal scientific library, 1991, 50 p. (In Rus.)

5. Bordzhanova, T. G. Magical poetry of the Kalmyks: research and materials. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1999, 182 p. (In Rus.)

6. Sandalwood casket. Kalmyk folk tales. Compilation, preface, translation, introductory article, commentary by T. G. Basangova. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 2003, 239 p. (In Rus.)

7. Basangova, T. G. Ritual poetry of the Kalmyks: a system of genres, poetics. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 2007, 592 p. (In Rus.)

8. Burykin, A. A., Basangova, T. G. Typology of Kalmyk folklore: monograph. Elista, PPE “Dzhangar”, 2014, 212 p. (In Rus.)

9. Myths, legends and traditions of the Kalmyks. Preparation of texts, translation of the introductory article, notes, comments, indexes, dictionary, verification of Kalmyk texts by T. G. Basangova, T. A. Mikhaleva. Moscow, Nauka Publ., Oriental literature Publ., 2017, 368 p. (Series “Collection of Kalmyk folklore”). (In Kalmyk and Rus.)

10. Basangova, T. G. Animals in Kalmyk folklore. Elista, Kalmyk University Press, 2019, 192 p. (In Rus.)

11. Basangova, T. G. Children’s folklore of the Kalmyks. Executive editor E. U. Omakaeva. Elista, KIGI RAS Publ. House, 2009, 72 p. (In Rus.)

12. Burykin, A. A., Basangova, T. G., Purveeva, N. B. Folklore-epic-literature: typology of relationship in the context of the dialogue “East - West”. Elista, Kalmyk State University Press, 2007, 120 p. (In Rus.)

13. Basangova, T. G. Children's folklore of the Kalmyks. Elista, Kalmyk University Press, 2022, 172 p. (In Rus.)

14. Folklore and folk culture in the mid–19th century. Philological Studies on the basis of Gabor Balint of Szentkatolna’s. Compilers Agnes Birtalan, T. G. Basangova. Budapest, Hungary Academy of Sciences, 2011, 380 p.

Author Biography

Bayrta Barbaevna MANDZHIEVA , Kalmyk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Leading Researcher, Department of Folklore and Literature



How to Cite

MANDZHIEVA , B. B. (2024). In alliance with the beauty and wisdom of folklore (for the anniversary of T. G. Basangova). EPIC STUDIES, 134–139. Retrieved from

