Good wishes as a linguistic reflection of the traditional values of the Khakases: research methodology




Khakas language; traditional good wishes; study; priority areas; methods; research prospects; language models; text structure; national and ideological values


In this article, we presented our vision of the tasks, methods and prospects for studying texts of good wishes in the Khakas language, which are the most widespread, vibrant and ancient form of linguistic representation of the spiritual culture of the Khakas. While in folkloristic and ethnographic studies this folklore genre was considered in the system of ideological values and etiquette behavior of the ethnic group, its linguistic corpus remains an untouched area. However, the basic basis of traditional good wishes is its language – a special verbal form of manifestation of the ethnic mentality, therefore, it should receive scientific coverage at all linguistic levels: semantic, grammatical, syntactic, pragmatic, etc. For a more in-depth consideration in order to identify the system of traditional values and worldview of the ethnos complex linguo-folkloristic, ethno-, linguocultural methods are used. The purpose of the article is to describe the methods, tasks and prospects for studying texts of good wishes. To achieve the goal, tasks related to the designation of texts of good wishes as an object of research are set and methods are proposed for a more in-depth comprehensive study of their plan of expression and plan of content. Thus, the study of complex problems of value categories of good wishes, pragmatic situations of their implementation and other forms of good wishes, reflected in the relationships of linguistic individuals, form an independent scientific direction. The relevance of the study is due to the lack of research into the language of the textual structure of well-wishes and the need to develop their linguistic-folkloristic paradigm, as well as the formation of a new conceptual apparatus. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time texts of good wishes are becoming the subject of special research on linguistic parameters correlated with pragmatic, communicative, folkloristic and other characteristics. The article identifies questions for potential research into texts of good wishes and describes methods for achieving these goals. This topic has good prospects for further research in interdisciplinary areas. In addition, the popularization of texts of traditional good wishes in the public environment, their spiritual and mental attitudes will make a certain contribution to the preservation and development of the Khakas language. First of all, the use of traditional expressions of good wishes in the modern discursive space allows us to expand the ontological function of the Khakas language.



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Author Biography

Maria Dmitrievna CHERTYKOVA, N. F. Katanov Khakas State University

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Leading Researcher the Institute of Humanitarian Studies and Sayan-Altai Turkology



How to Cite

CHERTYKOVA, M. D. (2024). Good wishes as a linguistic reflection of the traditional values of the Khakases: research methodology. EPIC STUDIES, 15–29.




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