
  • Tatyana Nikolaevna NIKOLAEVA, tnikolaeva184@mail.ru North-Eastern Federal University


traditional culture, material culture, spiritual culture, Yakut kumys, epic text, choron-cup, Ysekh, culture, ritual meal, Yakut beliefs.


The article considers kumys not only as the element of the traditional food of the Yakuts and life energy source of, but also as an important part of the traditional culture of the nation. There is a description of types of the Yakut kumys in order to characterize each type in correlation with its properties and consumption. The Yakut drink kumys is considered not only as a favorite drink due to its specific properties, but a beverage of an important ritual significance in the Yakut national culture.

In the epic texts kumys is described as the drink of heroes among other dairy products, which are the part of the Yakut traditional food. Guests are treated not only to kumys, but other national dishes.

Kumys and choron a patterned cup are not only traditional objects of ritual serving, but are the main objects that accompany the ceremony of propitiation of spirits and gods.

The increased interest of the population to kumys as a beverage, which has been considered a source of long life and good health since ancient times, is due to conscious return to the roots, rethinking its value not only ritually marked and permanent part of the summer holiday, but also as an everyday useful and necessary food.


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How to Cite

NIKOLAEVA, T. N. . (2016). KUMYS IN TRADITIONAL CULTURE OF THE YAKUTS (ON THE BASIS OF OLONKHO THE YAKUT HEROIC EPOS). EPIC STUDIES, 99–105. Retrieved from https://epossvfu.ru/index.php/1/article/view/22


