Tentative study of onomastic material of national versions of the Kyz Zhibek epic





epic; Nogai epic; Kyz-Zhibek; Kyz-Yibek; zhagalbaily; Yagalybaily; Karateniz; Akteniz; Shambil; Chambilbel; Chambuli Maston; Shambala


It is believed that the recording and publication of the Kazakh lyrical epic Kyz Zhibek took place at the end of the 19th century. The beginning of the collection, study and scientific research of numerous versions of the poem, including by foreign scientists, dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The relevance of this work is seen against the background of unresolved problems of folkloristics of the past period concerning the genesis of the lyrical epic work Kyz Zhibek, which became common to a number of Turkic peoples. The novelty of the research is that for the first time a comparison was made of the main national versions of the poem in the Kazakh and Nogai languages, as well as their translations into other Turkic languages. The purpose of this article is an attempt to attract the attention of industry specialists and to submit for scientific discussion the hypothesis of reception and transformation of onomastic terminology of the main variants of the Kyz Zhibek epic in the context of existing ethnolinguistic issues. The main objective of the work is to compare the main epic objects: the ethnonym Zhagalbaily from the Kazakh versions of the epic and the toponym Yagalybaily, found in its Nogai versions. In a comparative analysis of the content of the text of various versions of the epic in Kazakh (Kyz Zhibek, Kyz Zhibek hikayasi Kissa) and Nogai (Kyz-Yibek, Tolegen men Kyz-Yibek) languages, as well as their translations into Kyrgyz (Kyz Jibek), Russian (Kyz Jibek), Turkish (Kizcibek Destani, Kız Jibek Destanı) and Uzbek (Kizzhibak, Qiz jibek and Qiz-Jibek) languages were used comparatively historical method. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that if in the Kazakh versions of the epic Zhagalbaily is the name of the Kazakh tribe, then in its Nogai versions Yagalybaily is the name of the area. At the same time, in the national versions of the epic of both peoples, they look like interchangeable terms. It is noteworthy that the events described in both cases take place on the Black Sea coast. Excerpts from the text of the epics, which contain Zhagalbaily and Yagalybaily, look like a calculated translation. In our opinion, further research to establish the etymological ambiguity of the onyms Zhagalbaily and Yagalybaily seems promising. It is of scientific interest to establish the factors of amplification and contamination that influenced the processes of plot composition of national versions of the Kyz Zhibek epic. It is proposed to discuss the possibility and expediency of conducting further research aimed at studying the considered synonyms in relation to each other from the point of view of the theory of binary oppositions (ethnonym – toponym; toponym – ethnonym) and from the point of view of the concept of etymological nests.



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Author Biography

Adil Muratovich RAKHIMOV, -

Doctor of Philosophy, Independent Researcher



How to Cite

RAKHIMOV, A. M. (2024). Tentative study of onomastic material of national versions of the Kyz Zhibek epic. EPIC STUDIES, 108–123. https://doi.org/10.25587/2782-4861-2024-3-108-123


