The ideals of the male batyrs (the epic of the Ural Batyr and the olonkho Nurgun Bootur the Swift): typology and features




Ural Batyr; Nurgun Bootur; epic; olonkho; kubair; people; struggle; batyr; Bashkirs; Yakuts; myth; similarities; image


The article analyzes the images of two main characters from the epic Ural-batyr and the olonkho Nurgun Bootur the Swift by Platon Oyunsky, which are based on ancient mythological ideas of people about life, about the world around them, ideas about the struggle between good and evil, etc. A comparative study of the following plots in the epics is carried out: the birth of boys; the upbringing of adolescents; the actions of the main characters, etc. The aspect of behavioral stereotypes of batyrs in three worlds, the features of service for the benefit of unity, freedom and happiness of the people are studied. The relevance of this study lies in the fact that the study of the behavior and actions of the main characters allows us to identify their common features, and for the first time a comparative typological analysis of two epic heroes of the Bashkir and Yakut epics is made. The scientific novelty of the study consists in an attempt to artistically comprehend the features of the images of the main heroes of the olonkho Nurgun Bootur the Swift by Platon Oyunsky and the epic Ural-batyr. Particular attention is paid to the methods and techniques by which the image of the main hero is created. The purpose of the study is to identify the ideological and artistic features and the typology of differences in the images of Batyrs from the main epic monuments Ural-batyr and Nurgun Bootur the Swift by Platon Oyunsky. The main task necessary to achieve this goal is to conduct a comparative analysis of the images of batyrs in the epics of two Turkic peoples. A comprehensive study of artistic images allows us to reveal the actions of the heroes, which have spiritual and educational significance. The study revealed that the images of the Yakut and Bashkir epics have a number of similarities and differences due to the peculiarities of the worldview, mythological ideas and views of the peoples. The common idea is that men serve goodness and justice.



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Author Biography

Marat Fayatovich BULYAKOV , Republican Center of Folk Arts of the Republic of Bashkortostan

leading specialist of the Department for Intangible Cultural Heritage



How to Cite

BULYAKOV , M. F. (2024). The ideals of the male batyrs (the epic of the Ural Batyr and the olonkho Nurgun Bootur the Swift): typology and features. EPIC STUDIES, 107–120.


