Nikolay Bitkeev – an outstanding Russian researcher of epic (to the 80th anniversary)


  • Alla Ivanovna ALIYEVA A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences





1. Bitkeev, N. Ts. “Jangar” in notes from Eelyan Ovla and Teltya Lidzhiev: epic singer and tradition. Dissertation thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences. Moscow, 1974, 186 p. (In Rus.)

2. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Kalmyk heroic epic “Jangar”: poetics and tradition. Dissertation thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philological Sciences. Ulan-Ude, 1997, 292 p. (In Rus.)

3. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Poetic art of Jangarchi. Epic repertoire of Eelyan Ovla. Singer and tradition. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1982, 96 p. (In Rus.)

4. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Jangarchi. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1983, 95 p. (In Rus.)

5. Jangar: Kalmyk heroic epic. Compilation, text preparation, research and commentary by N. Ts. Bitkeev, E. B. Ovalov. Moscow, Oriental literature Publ., 1990, 474 p. (In Kalmyk and Rus.)

6. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Kalmyk heroic epic “Jangar”: problems of typology of national versions. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1990, 155 p. (In Rus.)

7. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Jangarchi. Executive editor A. B. Pankin. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2001, 447 p. (In Rus.)

8. Jangar: Kalmyk heroic epic. Executive editors: N. Ts. Bitkeev, E. B. Ovalov. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1985, vol. 1, 319 p. (In Kalmyk)

9. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Epic “Jangar”. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2006, 351 p. (In Rus.)

10. Jangar: Kalmyk heroic epic. Compilation, text preparation by N. Ts. Bitkeev, E. B. Ovalov. Seoul, Changpo Publ., 2011, 389 p. (Studia humanitatis). (In Kalmyk and Korean)

11. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Kalmyk folklore: recording, publication and study. In: Scientists of Kalmykia: biobibliographic manual. Compilers: L. V. Mandzhieva, I. E. Suksukova. Elista, A. M. Amur-Sanana National Library Publ., 1993, iss. 2: Folklore, pp. 5–9. (In Rus.)

12. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Kalmyk folkloristics: results and problems of study. In: Kalmyk folk poetry: collection of scientific articles. Executive editor N. Ts. Bitkeev. Elista, KRIHPE Publ., 1984, pp. 3–29. (In Rus.)

13. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Folklore: main problems of study. In: Living language: theoretical and sociocultural aspects of the functioning and development of modern Mongolian languages: materials of the International scientific conference. Executive editor V. O. Imeev. Elista, Kalmyk University Publ. House, 2007, pp. 128–129. (In Rus.)

14. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Kalmyk tales of Sanji Butaev. In: Folklore of the peoples of the RSFSR: interuniversity scientific collection. Ufa, Bashkir University Publ. House, 1977, pp. 45–49. (In Rus.)

15. Kalmyk oral folk art: dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the voluntary entry of the Kalmyk people into Russia. Compilation, preface, introduction and commentary by N. Ts. Bitkeev. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2007, 439 p. (In Rus.)

16. Bitkeev, N. Ts. The epic “Jangar” is the national treasure of the Kalmyk people In: “Jangar” in the Eurasian space: materials of the International scientific conference: to the 200th anniversary of the first publication Kalmyk heroic epic “Jangar”. Executive editor G. M. Borlikov. Elista, Kalmyk University Publ. House, 2004, pp. 29–31. (In Rus.)

17. Bitkeev, N. Ts. “Jangar”: the theory of the epic tradition. In: Mongolian studies in the new millennium: materials of the International scientific conference: on the 170th anniversary of the organization of the first department of the Mongolian language in Russia. A. T. Bjerke et al. Elista, Kalmyk University Publ. House, 2003, p. 127. (In Rus.)

18. Bitkeev, N. Ts. The epic world is a prototype of civilization. European social science journal. 2012, no. 7, pp. 174–177. (In Rus.)

19. Bitkeev, N. Ts., Varlamov, A. N. Epic historicism. Bulletin of the Buryat University. 2012, no. 10, pp. 156–161. (In Rus.)

20. Bitkeev, N. Ts. The heroic epic “Jangar” in the light of folkloristic views of academician B. Ya. Vladimirtsov. In: Problems of Mongolian philology: collection of articles. Executive editor P. Ts. Bitkeev. Elista, KRIHPE Publ., 1988, pp. 45–55. (In Rus.)

21. Bitkeev, N. Ts. “Jangar” and Jangar studies. In: V International congress of Mongolologists: reports of the Soviet delegation. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1987, pp. 173–178. (In Rus.)

22. Bitkeev, N. Ts. “Jangar”: main problems of study. In: “Jangar” and problems of epic creativity: abstracts of reports and messages of the International scientific conference. Executive editor N. Ts. Bitkeev. Elista, KISS AN SSSR, 1990, pp. 66–68. (In Rus.)

23. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Poetic features of the heroic epic of the Kalmyk people. In: History of Kalmyk literature. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1981, vol. 1: Pre-October period, pp. 183–199. (In Rus.)

24. Bitkeev, N. Ts. On the aesthetics of the heroic in “Jangar”. In: Works of young scientists of Kalmykia. V. S. Matlash et al. Elista, KRILLH Publ., 1973, iss. 3, pp. 188–196. (In Rus.)

25. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Epic “Jangar”: poetics and tradition. In: VII International congress of Mongolologists: reports of the Russian delegation. Executive editor V. M. Solntsev. Moscow, Institute of Linguistics of the RAS Publ., 1997, p. 110. (In Rus.)

26. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Poetic style of Jangarchi (“school” of Eelyan Ovla). In: Epic poetry of the Mongolian peoples: studies on the epic: collection of scientific articles. Elista, KRIHPE Publ., 1982, pp. 95–105. (In Rus.)

27. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Jangarchi Mukebyun Basangov and his poetic mastery. In: Jangar: Kalmyk folk heroic epic. Epic repertoire of Mukebyun Basangov. Executive editor E. B. Ovalov. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1988, pp. 5–8. (In Rus.)

28. Bitkeev, N. Ts. The plot structure of “Jangar” (composition of the epic narrative of the Kalmyk and Mongolian jangarchi). In: “Jangar” and the problems of the epic creativity of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples: abstracts of reports and messages. Ed. board: N. Ts. Bitkeev et al. Elista, KRILLH Publ., 1978, pp. 17–18. (In Rus.)

29. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Main images of heroes and their glorification in “Jangar”. Bulletin of the Institute. 1976, no. 14, pp. 62–93. (In Rus.)

30. Bitkeev, N. Ts. The art of Jangarchi: glorification of the image of a hero. In: Epic creativity of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East: materials of the All-Union conference of folklorists. Ulan-Ude, Buryat Book Publ. House, 1973, p. 43. (In Rus.)

31. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Typical places in “Jangar”: on the analysis of Jangarchi songs Eelyan Ovla and Teltya Lidzhiev. In: Problems of Altaic and Mongolian studies: abstracts of reports and communications of the All-Union сonference. N. A. Baskakov et al. Elista, KRILLH Publ., 1972, pp. 113–114. (In Rus.)

32. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Comparisons and metaphors in “Jangar” by Eelyan Ovla and his followers (to the problem of the epic tradition). Bulletin of the Institute. 1976, no. 14, pp. 132–140. (In Rus.)

33. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Typical places of songs of the epic repertoire of performers of the “school” of jangarchi Eelyan Ovla (to the problem of the epic tradition). In: Typological and artistic features of “Jangar”. Executive editor E. B. Ovalov. Elista, KRILLH Publ., 1978, pp. 25–50. (In Rus.)

34. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Jangar: recording, publication and study. In: “Jangar” and Jangar studies: bibliography. Compiler P. E. Alekseeva. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1988, pp. 4–12. (In Rus.)

35. Bitkeev, N. Ts. The language of the epic “Jangar” is native Kalmyk. In: Kalmyk language as an intellectual value and educational subject: materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference. Edited and preface by R. B. Dyakiev. Elista, Kalmyk University Publ. House, 2009, pp. 73–76. (In Rus.)

36. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Spiritual enrichment of the individual as the most important problem of modern school. In: Problems and prospects of the national school in the aspect of personality-oriented education: materials of a scientific-practical conference. Executive editors: V. V. Uchurov, L. P. Ashkinova. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2003, pp. 32–37. (In Rus.)

37. Bitkeev, N. Ts. “Jangar” in the education system. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2009, 318 p. (In Rus.)

38. Bitkeev, N. Ts., Deldenova, B. K. Jangar: a methodological guide to help teachers. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1990, 127 p. (In Rus.)

39. Jangar: Kalmyk heroic epic. Vol. 2: texts of 16 songs. Executive editors: N. Ts. Bitkeev, E. B. Ovalov. Elista, Jangar Publ., 1990, 477 p. (In Kalmyk)

40. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Folk art as a means of forming ethnic self-awareness of students in elementary school: national system of national education. Elementary school. 1999, no. 11, pp. 48–52. (In Rus.)

41. Jangar: Kalmyk folk heroic epic. Retelling by N. Ts. Bitkeev. Elista, Kalmyk Book Publ. House, 1997, 81 p. (In Rus.)

42. Bitkeev, N. Ts. “Jangar” in the world space. In: Nomadic civilization of the Great Steppe: modern context and historical perspective: materials of the International scientific conference. Executive editor N. G. Ochirova. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2002, pp. 143–155. (In Rus.)

43. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Epic “Jangar”: the age of the monument. In: United Kalmykia in a united Russia: through the centuries into the future: materials of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the voluntary entry of the Kalmyk people into the Russian state. B. E. Amulakova, et al. Elista, Jangar Publ., 2009, part 2, pp. 42–46. (In Rus.)

44. Bitkeev, N. Ts. Problems of typology and originality in the epic work of Kalmyk and Uzbek folk rhapsodes. In: Literary studies and history: abstracts of reports and communications of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. Tashkent, Publ. House “Fan” of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1980, pp. 97–98. (In Rus.)

Author Biography

Alla Ivanovna ALIYEVA, A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Academician of the Adyghe Academy, Honorary member of the Chechen and Abkhazian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher



How to Cite

ALIYEVA, A. I. (2023). Nikolay Bitkeev – an outstanding Russian researcher of epic (to the 80th anniversary). EPIC STUDIES, (3), 137–148. Retrieved from

