Review on the book: Kobyai folklore. Executive editor M. T. Satanar. Yakutsk, Ayar Publ., 2022, 760 p.


  • Rozalia Innokentievna BRAVINA Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous People Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences






1. Emelyanov, N. V. Plots of early types of Yakut olonkho. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1983, 246 p. (In Rus.)

2. Illarionov, V. V. I. I. Burnashev – Tong Suorun and his olonkho “Son of the horse Bogatyr Dyirai”. In: Burnashev, I. I. – Tong Suorun. Son of the horse bogatyr Dyyrai. Recorded by G. U. Ergis from epicteller I. I. Burnashev – Tong Suorun; executive editor A. N. Zhirkov. Yakutsk, NEFU Publ. House, 2013, p. 5–14. (In Rus.)

3. Bravina, R. I. Archeology of folklore: ancient inhabitants of the East Siberian Arctic. Genesis: historical research. 2023, no. 8, pp. 73–82. DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.8.39818. (In Rus.)

4. Savvin, A. A. Food of the Yakuts before the development of agriculture (experience of a historical and ethnographic monograph). Yakutsk, IHR AS RS (Ya), 2005, 376 p. (In Rus.)

5. Okladnikov, A. P. Report on archaeological research on the Lower Lena from Zhigansk to Kumakh-Surt in 1942–1943. Yakutsk, Yakut State Printing House, 1946, 185 p. (In Rus.)

6. Konstantinov, I. V. Early Iron Age of Yakutia. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1978, 129 p. (In Rus.) 7. Ertyukov, V. I. Ust-Mil culture of the Bronze Age of Yakutia. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1990, 152 p. (In Rus.)

Author Biography

Rozalia Innokentievna BRAVINA , Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous People Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Archeology



How to Cite

BRAVINA , R. I. (2023). Review on the book: Kobyai folklore. Executive editor M. T. Satanar. Yakutsk, Ayar Publ., 2022, 760 p. EPIC STUDIES, (3), 133–144.


