The mythological basis of the ritual benevolence of the Khakas


  • MINDIBEKOVA Valentina Vissarionovna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Institute of Philology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia.



Khakas ritual folklore, cult ritual poetry, mythopoetics, mythopoetic images, benedictions, blessings, rites, customs, algas, dialect


The article is devoted to the study of the mythological basis of the Khakas ritual well-wishes from the collections of Nikolay Katanov at the end of the 19th century. The aim of the work is to study the stable poetic formulas in the ritual benedictions of the Khakases. Proceeding from the set aim, it is necessary to solve the tasks of systematization and classification of the ritual well-wishes, revealing mythological representations and poetic and stylistic features. The relevance of the topic of the research is due to the insufficient development of ritual poetry in Khakas folkloristics. The theoretical basis of Khakas ritual folklore requires in-depth study, and the classification of ritual folklore genres belongs to one of the most important in Siberian folkloristics. Based on diaries, reports and publications by Daniel Messershmidt, Mathias Kastren, Vasiliy Radlov and other researchers, the history of collecting and studying ritual folklore is examined. Comparative-historical and descriptive methods, review of scientific literature are used in the work.

The mythological motifs and semantics of images of deities and spirits-masters are considered. To the Upper world belong deities Hudai, Ymai-Iche, Akh Chayaan. The Middle world is inhabited by spirits-masters of mountains, water and fire. The Lower world is inhabited by demonological beings erliks and aina-chikter led by Irlik-khan. The functional purpose of the characters is defined. Poetic and stylistic means reflect the specific features of mythological thinking of the ancient people. The poetics of Khakas benedictions is rich in epithets, comparisons and metaphors. The poems are preserved in verse form, as well as various types of alliteration.

In connection with the preparation of the volume “Rite poetry of Khakases” in the series “Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East”, the collection and study of materials on ritual folklore of Khakases has begun. Thus, at present, a new active research stage in the study of ritual folklore has begun.


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How to Cite

MINDIBEKOVA, V. V. (2023). The mythological basis of the ritual benevolence of the Khakas. EPIC STUDIES, С. 67–75.


