Epic chants performed by olonkhosut A. G. Agapov


  • GRIGORIEVA Victoria Georgievna, grigfolk@mail.ru Candidate of Art History, piano teacher, concertmaster, A. A. Cheremnykh Amga Children's Art School, Amga, Russia.




epic, Yakut ethnomusicology, Eduard Alekseev, Alexey Agapov, Altan Sabaray bogatyr, epic chants, throat singing, kylysakh, falsetto phonation, leitmotif


Olonkho is an example of the oral culture of the Sakha people. Over the course of many centuries, olonkhosut improvisers developed their own methods of epic storytelling, which made it possible to preserve and pass on to generations the values of poetic and song culture, which became a prerequisite for the development of folk and professional art.

The main purpose is to study epic chants performed by the hereditary olonkhosut Alexey Agapov based on the expedition materials of the first researcher of his work Eduard Alekseev. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are defined: to supplement musical literature with early folklore samples of epic chants; to clarify the existing scientific ideas about the intonational, timbre, rhythmic features of the Lena-area song. The relevance of the work is in the study of the work of Alexey Agapov, as a representative of the Lena-area local group. Transcriptions of epic chants (Kyys Betientin Kuo, Tallan Mengia, Yuryung Uolan, Timir Chyybystaan, Uoruku Suoruku) performed by the Bologur olonkhosut Alexey Agapov are presented in Yakut ethnomusicology for the first time.

The study was conducted on the basis of fragmentary audio recordings by Alexey Agapov, which he performed in the olonkho Altan Sabarai bogatyr (Copper Sabarai Bukhatyyr). The author of the work performed a transcription of the song source. The poetic text was deciphered more adequately by Yuri Borisov. The study used the structural-typological method of study. The analytical approach led to a combination of analysis and generalization of the main intonational, rhythmic relationships, timbre features of epic chants. The result of the study was the replenishment of the ethno-cultural local context performed by Alexey Agapov, which is important and necessary for practical work in mastering the complex song art of olonkho characters by performers.


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  2. Reshetnikova A. P. Music of the Yakut olonkho. In: Kyys Debiliye: Yakut heroic epic. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 1993, pp. 26–69. (Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East). (In Rus.)
  3. Alekseev E. E., Nikolaeva N. N. Samples of the Yakut song folklore. Yakutsk, Yakut Book Publ. House, 1981, 100 p. (In Rus.)
  4. Scattered texts of the collection “100 Yakut folk songs” by M. N. Zhirkov. In: Archive of Historical hall of the National library of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Archive materials of M. N. Zhirkov. Folder no. 11, 240 s. (In Rus.)
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  7. Report of the 1958 folklore expedition to the Amga District. Edited by E. E. Alekseev (1990). In: Archive of E. E. Alekseev. 65 p. (In Rus.)
  8. About the destiny of the Olonkho (Eduard Alekseev. Personal site). URL: http://eduard.alekseyev.org/video12.html (accessed: April 5, 2023). (In Rus.)
  9. Grigorieva V. G. Epic and song traditions of the Sakha in the creative heritage of U. G. Nokhsorov. Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., 2023, 256 p. (In Rus.)
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How to Cite

GRIGORIEVA, V. G. (2023). Epic chants performed by olonkhosut A. G. Agapov. EPIC STUDIES, С. 56–66. https://doi.org/10.25587/SVFU.2023.47.44.005


